Monday, February 9, 2009

Inside My Trailer

Well, the other night I was chatting with one of my sisters about trailer decor, and it dawned on me that I hadn’t “shared” pictures of the inside of my trailer! It started out in a “cherries” theme which is SO not me, but I had all this red and yellow vintage stuff that I had collected for the vintage picnic basket for our 1949 yellow Buick. The trailer has turquoise appliances, and one day as I was wandering around a fabric store I spotted some red, yellow and turquoise cherry fabric and was off and running with it! I went way overboard, burned out on cherries, and finally redid the whole thing in trout. Oddly, my hubby said he liked the cherry theme better because it was so bright and cheerful! Who'd of guessed? Here are some interior pictures of both themes…

That was a lot of cherries - nearly made me dizzy!!! The trout theme is much more relaxing...

That photo on the stove is my wonderful stepfather, Jim, who orginally taught me to fly fish when I was a young girl. I didn't have a clue what I was doing, but I sure did enjoy it!! If he could only see me now with all my fly fishing sisters, he would have loved it!!

Sisters take bedmaking VERY seriously. The secret combination in mine is four inches of medium firm foam, two inches of memory foam, another two inches of feather bed, then fluffy flannel sheets and a cozy handmade quilt! I made both the cherry quilt and the trout quilt at the same time - I'm not a really serious quilter, so I use the "Quilt In A Day" patterns and that's about how long it takes. I cut everything out for both quilts on Friday night, made the cherry one on Saturday and the trout one on Sunday. Took another afternoon to tie the quilts using perl cotton. Again, I'm not a "quilter" per se. The darn curtains actually took longer than the quilts! I neglected to line the cherry curtains because I was in a big ol' hurry - I lined the trout curtains after seeing how quickly the cherry ones faded. I also have little specks of velcro around all the windows which hold up cut-to-fit sheets of reflective silver foam insulation when the trailer is not in use. That helps stop all the sun damage. My next trailer is going to be very neutral and generic so I can easily change themes - I so want to do a "tasteful" Halloween theme!!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Tomatoes in January

Okay, no laughing, but here is 80% of the total crop from my valiant little tomato plant. I know, it's pretty pathetic looking, but considering we keep our house pretty cold and it must depend on the sun coming in that big window, it's done very well. It was comforting to watch them grow while we had a foot of snow on the ground!

October... November... FEBRUARY???

Where does the time go?? Hubby decided that being stuck in a little trailer for days on end in the rain over Halloween did NOT sound like fun, so he opted to stay home and be "productive", which meant I had the trailer to myself! Lots of rain, a daily nap, five books read in four days, lots of hungry squirrels fed… well they acted hungry, even though they all looked plump and shiny!

The rain eased up enough for all the trick-or-treaters in the campground to make their rounds – and it occurred to me - you don’t even see that in most neighborhoods anymore – but that just goes to show how campers are all family. My fake rubber cat was a real hit with visiting dogs! Some barked, some growled, and one marched right around the table to sniff the “information” end - it was pretty funny. Early that morning I had raced back down to Bakersfield to oversee the relocation of my horse from the facility where his level of care and attention had been slowly going downhill. He now resides at a thoroughbred breeding and training facility here in Tehachapi – I am the ONLY boarder, because they are not a boarding stable, but I was desperate and my farrier made the contact and provided references on both sides. It is an immaculate and very well run facility and I sleep better at night knowing he gets the same level of care as all of their horses. As it should be.

Our November trip, again to the Kern River, was wonderful. Good food and good friends – I can’t think of a better way to spend Thanksgiving. Those of us that went fly fishing went for the entire day, and that’s a long day of fishing in all that icy water – it was nearly dark when we headed out of the river. Caught just a couple, one rainbow and one adorable little native, enjoyed every minute of it but could not wait to fall into bed that night!

Miss Libby is very good at this whole camping thing... but I think we need a bigger bed!

December is just kind of a blur, and for that matter so is January even though it only ended uhhhh, yesterday? My horse move paid off last week – the old guy does not drink enough water when it gets really cold. He began to colic, and then started to roll to ease the pain. Well, with all the melting snow on the ground, he wound up sopping wet and started to go into hypothermia, but, they were on it quickly and by the time I got the call and raced out there, the vet was there, my horse was totally looped on several drugs, they had given him a nice hot bath, and he looked ready for a long nap! Everything was fine, but it did mean I was running back and forth for half the night washing and drying a rotating pile of five sopping wet horse blankets in order to get him dry. You don’t even want to know what the inside of our washer and dryer looked like.